Author: Yolanda White Johnson PhD

Yolanda White Johnson PhD, is on a mission to share knowledge and empower others. She is dedicated to the art of self-Learning and personal growth. Educator, blogger, and lifelong Learner. Join us on this journey as we unlock the transformative power of self-learning.

Do you ever wonder, “Why do I self sabotage?” Am I really not good enough? Self sabotaging beliefs – those insidious thoughts whispering that you’re not good enough, can’t do it, or are unworthy of success – are often the culprit. These thoughts can manifest as procrastination, self-doubt, and perfectionism, holding you back from reaching your full potential. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of self sabotage. We’ll uncover what these beliefs are, how to recognize them within yourself, and most importantly, how to overcome them when they arise. Additionally, we’ll explore preventative measures to ensure these self-defeating…

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Self-discipline is the cornerstone of success in any endeavor. Whether you’re aiming to improve your health, advance in your career, or develop new skills, self-discipline is essential. However, many people struggle with maintaining discipline over time. The good news is that by adopting certain habits, you can cultivate self-discipline more effectively. In this article, we’ll explore five specific habits that can help you build self-discipline in just 30 days. These habits are practical, actionable, and designed to fit into your daily routine. Let’s dive in and start your journey toward a more disciplined life. The Importance of Self-Discipline Why does…

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Do you ever feel trapped by the need to please everyone? Are you afraid of being judged or disliked? It’s a common struggle. We crave acceptance. We seek approval. But this constant pursuit can hold us back. It can dim our authenticity. It can stifle our personal growth. What if the key to unlocking your true self lies in the courage to be disliked? What if embracing disapproval could actually set you free? In this article we’ll explore the concept of being disliked, and how facing that fear can actually lead to self-acceptance, deeper relationships, and a life that truly…

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3-Minute Daily Practice to Transform Your Life Are you ready to transform your life with just 3 minutes a day? In a world where lengthy daily practices are often deemed necessary for self-improvement, this revolutionary concept challenges the status quo. By dedicating a mere 3 minutes daily to activities like journaling, meditation, or self-connection, you can unlock profound personal growth and transformation. The Power of Consistency The key to harnessing the transformative potential of a 3-minute daily practice lies in unwavering consistency. Regardless of how busy you may be, committing to this brief yet impactful routine can yield remarkable results…

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Ever feel stuck, your dreams limited by invisible boundaries? You’re not alone. Many of us get trapped in a cycle of “small thinking,” settling for less than we truly desire. But what if the secret to a life of extraordinary achievement and fulfillment lies in simply thinking bigger? The Scary Truth: Your Biggest Goals Are Your Most Valuable Let’s be honest – those goals that make your heart race and palms sweat? They’re the ones that matter. They hold the power to transform you, to push you beyond your comfort zone and into a realm of limitless possibility. So, why…

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The summer solstice often marks a time of change and new beginnings. As a teacher, you might find yourself reflecting on the past year and wondering if a career change is on the horizon. If that’s you, you’re not alone. Many teachers consider leaving the profession during the summer months, a phenomenon known as the “teacher exodus.” I’ve written about this before, but today, I’m here to offer a guide specifically for those ready to make the leap. Why Summer is a Turning Point Summer break offers a much-needed respite from the daily grind of teaching. It’s a chance to…

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Ever feel like life is a whirlwind and you’re just hanging on? Maybe you’re yearning for a change, but the idea of a major overhaul feels overwhelming. Good news: you don’t need a complete life makeover to see incredible results. Small habits have the surprising power to spark massive shifts in your life. Think of them like tiny seeds that, with consistent nurturing, grow into towering trees. In this post, we’re diving into six simple yet transformative habits you can easily weave into your daily routine. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill tips – we are talking about subtle shifts that can…

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Have you ever wondered if there’s more to life than chasing your own dreams? Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist” hints at a profound truth: helping others can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and finding your true purpose. This concept is further reinforced by James Clear’s “Atomic Habits,” where small, consistent actions lead to remarkable results. So, how does helping others actually fuel your personal growth? Let’s dive in with some real-life examples. 1. Expanding Your Worldview: The Gift of Perspective Think about a time you helped someone less fortunate than yourself. Many times on my way home from work…

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I know of a few hopeful business owners that went through a mentorship program. The participants made a close group that met every month even after finishing. At the completion of the program they all managed to start their respective businesses and make some revenue. Many of them earned enough to completely give up their 9 to 5 job. Now, to the average person on the outside looking in they seemed successful. And yet, some of them still felt like they were not good enough. It’s really quite interesting when you think about it. Individuals who had the courage to…

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Have you stopped to truly enjoy a moment of gratitude? Life often moves fast, and we miss the chance to see the kindness, beauty, and help around us. The act of thanking others, or thankfulness in general, is much more than just saying “thank you.” It’s about deeply valuing life’s goodness and building strong connections. Those strong connections can change everything for the better. On a daily basis, and not just around the holidays when most people traditionally think about giving thanks and expressing gratitude. Giving thanks is a daily choice that makes life richer and brings people together. Think…

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Many people show a clear purpose in what they do. For some, it’s fighting for fairness. Others find it in teaching or making art. Having a purpose is good for your health, can make you live longer, and helps with being successful. And it feels great to use your skills to help others, especially in ways that are meaningful to you. Yet, finding this purpose isn’t always easy. Kendall Bronk, a researcher, says people can find their purpose in different ways. This might happen naturally, or it might need some thought and self-examination. Going through tough times or being part of a supportive community can also help you…

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Have you ever felt like success is hard to achieve, even when you work hard? Success isn’t just about putting in effort. It’s also about stopping habits that waste your energy. Do you do things that make you less productive and tired without knowing it? We’ll look at six common habits that drain your energy and slow your success. Changing these behaviors can make your life more fulfilling and productive. Multitasking In our quick-paced world, many believe multitasking boosts productivity. But, this thought is a myth, leading to less efficient work. It actually reduces focus and energy, rather than enhances…

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Helping students relate new concepts to real world examples can can be difficult at times. Even at 13 and 14 years of age, my middle school students have a limited background from which they can draw information. Welcome to the ever changing world of education where the expectation is for students to learn, understand and properly apply concepts to real-life scenarios. For most students this is a tall order. This is where we discover and introduce inductive learning. This approach moves beyond just memorizing facts. It builds on reasoning at the heart of learning. Inductive learning goes outside the classroom’s…

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One this Mother’s Day, I think of the many lessons the most important women in my life taught me. My grandmother, and and my mother. As I look in the mirror I can see parts of their face in my face as I age. One of the many things they left to me; a legacy of skincare. Childhood Memories I have always loved skin care. As a child, my brother and I spent a lot of time with my grandparents because my single mother, a RN at a local hospital, worked long hours and she wanted a responsible adult to…

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Every weekday morning I feel stressed. No matter how earlier I get up I never seem to have enough time to get ready, have my cup of coffee, a necessity, get out of the door in enough time to not worry about traffic delays making me late. Needless to say, my cortisol levels were through the roof. But, 5 morning habits I have practiced consistently over the past 6 months have alleviated my frantic rush out of the house on those weekday mornings. It was not easy. But, it was necessary. Consistently practicing these steps helped me to arrive at…

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